
Where to start the journey towards better cyber resilience? 

10+1 essential tips to strengthen your company’s cyber resilience

Global geopolitical dynamics have prompted growing concerns regarding the need to bolster business continuity in numerous organizations spanning various industries. Strategic preparedness has long been a fundamental component of organizational cybersecurity strategies. The journey toward fortifying your company's cyber resilience commences with formulating a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. 

Where should one start the journey towards even better cyber resilience?

1. Conduct a thorough risk assessment

Understand the risks that may obstruct your company's objectives. Assessments can be conducted internally or externally. Cybersecurity threats are more relevant than ever, and understanding vulnerabilities is key to developing effective mitigation strategies.

2. Implement effective vulnerability management

Address the most critical vulnerabilities and establish an efficient process to ensure your business does not run on hardware or software that has reached its end of life. Unpatched software remains a leading cause of cybersecurity attacks.

3. Invest in people and security culture

Hackers often target users rather than systems and applications. As a company owner or corporate leader, prioritize investments in raising security awareness and know-how. Design your business with security to combat increasingly sophisticated adversaries.

4. Secure your network and data

Put effort into designing a robust network. Adopt a Zero Trust Access design, where no resource can be accessed automatically and is only possible upon verification. Essential security measures such as firewalls, encryption, DDoS protection, password policies, and multi-factor authentication must be in place.

5. Safeguard connections

Your company's network solution is the foundation for safeguarding digital assets and maintaining operational continuity. Recent developments have also underlined the central role of network operators in securing international connections, emphasizing the need for multiple physical routes via sea and land. Think carefully about where your data is located, and also consider possible worst-case scenarios from a connectivity perspective. Consider incorporating satellite backup solutions for added security in critical user cases.

6. Remain vigilant against evolving phishing techniques

Promote awareness among your personnel regarding widespread phishing tactics and inform them of ongoing phishing attempts and new trends. Heightened sophistication in artificial intelligence technology has empowered fraudulent activities, underscoring the necessity for continuous vigilance and cautious online behaviour.

7. Think about your remote workers

The COVID-19 era demonstrated how rapidly circumstances can change. Reevaluate your Remote Access solutions from today's perspective. Many remote access solutions are now integrated into a broader software-defined network offering, with centralized reporting and management, making incorporating Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) elements easy. For example, the DNA Cloud Managed SASE solution offers companies a set of cybersecurity solutions that combine network and information security features that are vital for securing business into one cloud-based entity.

8. React to the resource and competence shortage

Acknowledge the prevailing scarcity of competent cybersecurity professionals. Collaborating with a reputable managed service provider can present a viable solution, particularly for organizations facing constraints in executing cyber security activities internally. Entrusting an experienced partner with industry best practices ensures robust protection for your business.

9. Be prepared by establishing an incident response plan

Preparing for security breaches requires a proactive approach. Prepare an incident response plan and include key partners and personnel in the planning process to ensure a coordinated and effective response in the unfortunate event of a security incident. The goal is to mitigate the impact and minimize disruption to your operations.

10. Practice makes perfect 

Training for cybersecurity threats is important because it improves the company's preparedness and responsiveness in the event of an attack. Training helps identify weaknesses and improve information security processes. Regular training strengthens the cybersecurity awareness and culture of the entire organization. 

11. Stay on the lookout!

Stay well-informed of the rapidly evolving global landscape and follow the development of relevant laws and regulations. Understanding your company's compliance obligations and devising a well-structured compliance strategy is pivotal in navigating the regulatory environment. Initiatives like the upcoming NIS2 Directive (EU directive addressing cybersecurity across member states) are prominent examples of regulatory developments demanding ongoing attention.

Within growing geopolitical concerns, ensuring business continuity is a critical priority for organizations across diverse sectors. Establishing a robust cybersecurity strategy serves as a foundational step. You can start this by evaluating your performance against these ten essential points.


Preparedness is common cause, to which DNA offers help. Top-class expertise, project know-hoe and mutually supportive solutions make your company's everyday life safer and less stressful. Get to know DNA's comprehensive network and cybersecurity solutions and contact us! 


Article updated on 9 July 2024. The article was originally published on 18 October 2023.