Business and service numbers

DNA Service numbers mean national numbers that can be called from anywhere in Finland. They allow your company to market a single, easy-to-remember number.

Call 0800 30 20 30

Increase accessibility with unified numbering

Service numbers are national numbers for businesses, to which calling is possible from anywhere in Finland. With business numbers, you will receive unified numbering for your company’s personnel.

 National numbers are easy to remember and to market

Ensure accessibility with flexible call directing

Earning potential with surcharge services

DNA Service numbers

DNA Service numbers are national numbers for businesses, to which calling is possible from anywhere in Finland. With these numbers, you can market one easily memorable phone number. Furthermore, it is possible to add functions to ease call directing, with which the call is directed to the wanted answering location.

Service numbers for different purposes:

  • 0800 prefix numbers: Free of charge for the caller
  • 0600 prefix numbers for reception: Meant for services with additional charges, such as specialist counselling, taxi ordering, scheduling counsel or receiving orders
  • 0700 prefix numbers: Games, lottery, vote, or entertainment offered via telephone

The premium rate numbers have pre-defined call pricing that will be charged from the caller in their phone bill. The pricing can be call-specific, time-based or the combination of the two. DNA will make entry of the prearranged part of incoming calls, based on the amount or duration, to the service provider.

DNA Business Numbers

DNA Business numbers provide unified numbering for your company’s personnel. According to the number of employees, your company receives one or more phone numbers with a 029 prefix and a package of ten, hundred or thousand phone numbers.

It is possible to connect single landline and mobile phone numbers, telephone exchange call numbers and extension numbers to the service. Attaching business numbers from other operators to the service is also possible, if the numbers are portable.

Call control features:

  • Personal accessibility service
  • Fixed-time control
  • Location control
  • Percentage control
  • Overrun control

See also

Virtual PBX ensures the accessibility of your company’s personnel cost-efficiently.

VoIP PBX subscription is a modern way to connect your telephone exchange to the public the phone network.

Domain name service provides web addresses for all your company’s needs.

Ensure excellent customer experience with quality solutions

Contact us, and we will help you find the most suitable customer service solutions for your company.

Send a contact request Call 0800 30 20 30