Network connectivity 101 for companies embarking on their IoT journey

Showcasing Finnish IoT companies and the DNA IoT Connect service

Once you have decided which IoT products your company will be commercialising, you will face many practical decisions. One of the first concerns network connections and their reliability, costs and management. This guide provides answers to this question in particular.

Download the guide and deepen your expertise on the Internet of Things. You’ll gain valuable insight on how to plan and execute successful IoT projects.

This guide covers the following topics:

  • IoT value chain and technological choices
  • Accumulating, transferring, processing and harnessing data
  • Efficient IoT connectivity management

In addition, the guide provides you with multiple success stories from Finnish companies, who are already creating value with the Internet of Things. It also includes a compact introduction to DNA IoT Connect, a service that provides opportunities for Finnish companies in global IoT ecosystems.

Download your free copy and learn what a successful IoT project requires from network connectivity!

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