Cloud Connect

DNA Cloud Connect creates your company a reliable and secure shortcut to the cloud services of Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. This way, the cloud connects seamlessly to your network – without firewalls.

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Open secure connections to the cloud

Cloud services are increasingly more often in a critical role in the company’s business. At the same time, the importance of connection quality, performance, and data security increases. When you want to ensure smooth usage of cloud services in your company, ordering the DNA Cloud Connect is the right choice. The service is an additional service of the Corporate Network.

Smooth and efficient business in various cloud services

Quality and data secure connections with guaranteed capacity

Easy to manage because of service level and reliability

What is DNA Cloud Connect?

  • Reliable, data secure and fault-tolerant connection to various cloud services (Cloud Connection).
  • It is possible to connect with the service, e.g., Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web, and Google Cloud Platform to become part of the corporate network seamlessly.
  • Data traffic from your company network to the cloud services will be routed through DNA’s MPLS network.
  • Connections are built to be fault tolerant so that the network cannot form a single fault point.
  • Using cloud service will become independent of the internet connection’s capacity or problems.
  • The service provides higher data security, service level and faster connections than the public network.
  • Cloud Connect provides the freedom to choose cloud service provider flexibly and an easy introduction to the service.

See also

Corporate network connects your company’s separate Local Area Networks, and through the cloud connect, it also connects the cloud services to a single closed, data secure entirety.

Office communications service (Microsoft 365) will be easier to use once the connection to Microsoft’s cloud is data secure and guaranteed.

Ensure functioning data connections

Contact us, and get your company the high-quality networks as full-service.

Send a contact request Call 0800 30 20 30