
Daan de Wijs: DNA’s Cisco Jasper platform ideal for all businesses

When your company launches its first IoT project, you will often focus on data analysis and technical solutions. But user-friendly IoT connection management is just as important for smart IoT activities – it helps to reduce costs while simultaneously improving data security and reliability.

DNA Control Center is built on Cisco’s Jasper platform, and is already being used by over 15,000 customers around the globe. With the aid of this subscription management tool, they can manage their IoT devices and subscriptions, and also automate associated functions.

In this video, Cisco Jasper expert Daan de Wijs tells us about the benefits that this solution brings to companies of various sizes, and at which stage of your IoT project it’s worth introducing.

Are you thinking of harnessing the IoT in your business? Read how market leader DNA Control Center can help you manage both your subscriptions and their costs.